🏃 Kako Tijelo reagira na Višak i Manjak Nutrijenata 🫐 - Proteina, Masti, Ugljikohidrata, Vitamina, Minerala

🏃 How the Body Reacts to Excess and Deficiency of Nutrients 🫐 - Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals

Međimurski ceker

Let's start exploring how the body reacts to excess and deficiency of key nutrients and how we can harmonize eating habits for personal well-being!


When there is a protein deficiency: Protein deficiency can lead to loss of muscle mass, decreased immune function, stunted growth in children, more severe injuries and prolonged wound healing. Moderate deficiency can result in reduced appetite and weakening of hair and nails, while critical deficiency is associated with severe edema and stunted growth in children.
When there is excess protein: Excessive protein intake can strain the kidneys, cause dehydration, increase the risk of heart disease and cause digestive problems. A moderately increased intake can be beneficial for athletes, but a critical excess can lead to serious health problems.


When there is a lack of fat: A lack of fat can cause difficulty absorbing fat-soluble vitamins, decreased energy, reproductive system disorders, and skin damage. Moderate fat deficiency can lead to vision problems and weaken the immune system, while critical deficiency is associated with serious neurological problems.
When there is excess fat: Excessive intake of saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Eating moderate amounts of unsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, can have a positive effect on heart health, but a critical excess of fats can lead to serious metabolic problems.


When there is a lack of carbohydrates: A lack of carbohydrates can cause fatigue, decreased concentration, dizziness and weakening of the immune system. Moderate deficiency can cause loss of muscle mass, while critical deficiency can lead to coma.
When there is an excess of carbohydrates: Excessive intake of fast carbohydrates can lead to weight gain, increased blood sugar levels and the development of diabetes. A moderate intake of complex carbohydrates is recommended for maintaining stable energy levels, but a critical excess can cause serious health problems.

Vitamins and Minerals

Deficiency: Lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to various health problems, depending on the specific nutrient. For example, vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy, while iron deficiency can cause anemia.
Excess: Excessive intake of vitamins and minerals can also be problematic. For example, excessive intake of vitamin A can cause toxicity, while excessive consumption of calcium can lead to kidney problems.

Recommended foods for optimal intake

* Proteins: Chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts, beans.
* Fats: Olive oil, nuts, avocados, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
* Carbohydrates: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes.
* Vitamins and Minerals: Various fruits and vegetables, nuts, dairy products, whole grains.

An example of a weekly menu

1. Monday:
* Breakfast: Yogurt with fruit and nuts.
* Lunch: Chicken with brown rice and vegetables.
* Dinner: Tomato and avocado salad.
2. Tuesday:
* Breakfast: Omelette with vegetables and wholemeal bread.
* Lunch: Quinoa salad with tuna.
* Dinner: Vegetable curry with chicken breast.
3. Wednesday:
* Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries.
* Lunch: Grilled salmon with sweet potato.
* Dinner: Chicken soup with vegetables.
4. Thursday:
* Breakfast: Fruit smoothie with added protein.
* Lunch: Integral pasta with vegetables and chicken sauce.
* Dinner: Greek salad with feta cheese.
5. Friday:
* Breakfast: Avocado toast with eggs.
* Lunch: Quiche with broccoli and cheese.
* Dinner: Steamed fish with vegetables.

This type of menu provides a balance between proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and enables meeting the recommended daily intake of each of these key nutrients.

Average quantities of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals

The optimal daily intake of nutrients varies depending on various factors, including body weight, age, level of physical activity and general health. It is important to note that these guidelines are meant to serve as general guidelines and individual needs may vary.

* In general: 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
* Physical activity: More active people or athletes may require 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

* General: 20% to 35% of total daily calorie intake.
* Physical activity: Can be adjusted according to needs, but saturated fat intake should remain below 10% of total calorie intake.

* General: 45% to 65% of total daily calorie intake.
* Physical activity: More active people can increase their carbohydrate intake up to 65% of their total daily calorie intake.

Vitamins and Minerals:
* Recommended amounts vary depending on the vitamin or mineral, but it is important to emphasize the importance of a varied diet to ensure that all nutrients are met.

Example of nutritional guidelines by age, weight and level of physical activity:
1. Adults (18-50 years):
* Average body mass: Nutrient intake is adjusted according to body mass.
* General: A varied diet with an emphasis on whole foods.
2. Older adults (50+ years):
* Increased need for vitamins D and B12.
* Focus on calcium intake to preserve bone health.
3. Children and adolescents:
* Growing bodies have increased needs for protein, calcium and iron.
* The importance of a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
4. Athletes:
* Increased protein intake depending on the intensity of physical activity.
* Additional need for hydration and electrolytes.

Each individual's health condition, nutritional needs and goals may require adaptation of these guidelines. A consultation with a nutritionist or physician can provide personalized guidance for optimal health and wellness.


It is important to note that the information provided is not medical advice and should not be taken as a substitute for consultation with a qualified healthcare professional. Each person is unique, with different health needs, conditions and nutritional requirements. Any changes in diet, exercise or other aspects of life should be tailored to individual needs.

It is recommended to consult with qualified professionals, such as nutritionists, physicians or other health professionals before making any significant changes in eating habits, exercise plans or other aspects of health. Any health advice should be tailored to the individual's personal characteristics, health status, previous medical history and needs.

Image source.

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The Međimurje checker tries to present as accurately as possible the influence of various healthy domestic foods on human health, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the information.

For the most accurate information and advice related to your health and the benefits of certain ways of eating, consult with professional and certified individuals and advisors in the fields of medicine, nutrition and related fields.

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