🫐 Aronija - Supernamirnica za zdravlje

🫐 Aronia - Superfood for health

Međimurski ceker

Aronia is often called a "superfood" because of its extremely high nutrient and antioxidant content.

Aronia as a Superfood

Here are a few reasons why aronia is considered a superfood:

1. High content of antioxidants: Aronia is extremely rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenols and vitamin C. Antioxidants play a key role in the fight against free radicals and reducing oxidative stress in the body, which can contribute to the prevention of various diseases.
2. Potential benefit for heart health: Aronia can help maintain heart and blood vessel health. These include reducing the risk of high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels.
3. Improves the immune system: The high vitamin C content in chokeberry can strengthen the immune system and help the body fight infections.
4. Anti-inflammatory action: Aronia has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammatory processes in the body.
5. Possible digestive benefits: Aronia contains fiber that supports healthy digestion.
6. Potential Support for Blood Sugar Control: Some research suggests that chokeberry can help keep blood sugar levels stable, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.
7. Low calorie and natural sugars: Aronia is relatively low in calories, which makes it suitable for those who watch their calorie intake, and the natural sugars give it a sweet taste without the need for added sugar.

Aronia is recommended to a wide range of people for these health benefits. This includes people looking to strengthen their immune system, improve heart health, control blood sugar, and those looking for natural support to fight inflammation.

Amount of consumption per day

The recommended amount of aronia juice per day can vary depending on individual needs and tolerance, but it is generally considered that around 200 ml of juice per day is a reasonable amount.

Nutritional content of aronia juice

Regarding the nutritional content of 100% chokeberry juice, here are some key nutrients it typically contains:
* Calories: About 40-50 calories per 100 ml, depending on the specific product.
* Vitamin C: A significant amount of vitamin C, usually around 15-20 mg per 100 ml of juice.
* Antioxidants: High proportion of anthocyanins and other antioxidants.
* Fiber: A small amount of fiber, usually around 1-2 grams per 100 ml.
* Sugars: Natural sugars, usually around 8-10 grams per 100 ml.

It is important to note that the nutritional composition may vary depending on the manufacturer and the method of preparation of aronia juice. It is recommended to check the product label for precise nutritional information.

Although chokeberry is considered a superfood, it is important to note that it will not solve all health problems by itself. The key to maintaining good health lies in a balanced diet, physical activity and general lifestyle. Aronia can be a useful component of a healthy diet, but should be consumed as part of a complete and varied nutritional plan.

🫐 For aronia products, click here. ✨

Note: The information is not medical advice and is not a substitute for the opinion or consultation of a qualified healthcare professional. Before making any significant changes to your diet, physical activity or other aspects of your health, it is always best to consult your doctor or other relevant health professional. It is important to consider your personal needs, conditions and health history to make the best decisions for your health.

Image source.

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The Međimurje checker tries to present as accurately as possible the influence of various healthy domestic foods on human health, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the information.

For the most accurate information and advice related to your health and the benefits of certain ways of eating, consult with professional and certified individuals and advisors in the fields of medicine, nutrition and related fields.

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