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Čoko Frida j.d.o.o.

Chocolate bar with pits and forest fruits

Chocolate bar with pits and forest fruits

Regular price €7,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,50 EUR
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Chocolate is a candy made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar and other ingredients. It is one of the most popular sweets in the world and enjoys great popularity among people of all ages.

The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa mass, which is obtained from cocoa beans. Cacao is a fruit whose seeds are known as cocoa beans. After harvesting, the seeds are fermented, dried, roasted and crushed to obtain cocoa mass. Cocoa butter is extracted from the cocoa mass, which is used in the preparation of chocolate. By adding sugar and other ingredients such as milk, nuts, vanilla and various aromas, different types of chocolates with different flavors and textures are created.

There are different types of chocolate, including milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and various combinations with nuts, dried fruit, mint, and other toppings. Dark chocolate, which contains more cocoa and less sugar, is considered healthier because it contains more antioxidants and flavonoids that are beneficial for heart health.

Chocolate is often used as a treat, dessert, ingredient in various recipes and as a gift. In many cultures, chocolate has a special place in celebrations and holidays. With its rich taste, chocolate is a favorite and gladly consumed delicacy that brings a feeling of comfort and satisfaction.
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